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A “Hacker” and God.

By November 9, 2011April 25th, 2012No Comments

Ok, so one of the things that happens when your business involves event coordination is called “glitches”. The perfect PR person and event coordinator must not have these, right?

Well, I have decided that every event has a glitch, but that the SKILLED PR person & event coordinator will be able to: 1. Solve the original problem, 2. Come up with a creative solution, or 3. Hack into the plan and pull amazing stunts.

Well, during one of our events a few weeks ago, I was running the power point for a speaker when someone accidentally bumped the power switch to the computer system and powered the whole thing down…except the projector. So in split seconds I go from happily pressing the “next” button on the remote, to staring at the “Dell” logo on the projector in front of all the event attendees as the computer begins to restart!! [insert mental screaming]. I miraculously found the button to switch the projectors to a black screen while we waited for the computer to finish powering on.

Meanwhile, I realize that this is not our computer, that it may be password protected, and that the tech person that set it up for us is out of town. Lo and behold, my fears became reality before my eyes!! The computer was password protected!! I grabbed my phone and (as quietly as possible) ran out of the room to attempt to call the elusive sound guy, leaving Aaress in the sound booth staring at the screen. Dialing…and failing to even reach a WORKING number, I was about to go hunt for another number when our friend Luke comes out of the event and says, “Come quick! Aaress needs you!” So I (as quietly as possible) re-enter to discover that she has cracked the password!! WHAT?? How could this be POSSIBLE?? So I jump back on, find the right file and pop it up on the screen less than four minutes since the whole thing powered down. I looked over at Aaress and said, “HOW did you do that???” She calmly replied, “It was God.” Upon hearing the story later, many credit Aaress’s computer skills to “hacking” abilities, but I know she really isn’t a hacker, and that it really WAS God that gave her the wisdom to know what to type.

The Moral of the story is: Make sure that you know the Lord of the universe, and that your event coordinator knows Him too!

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