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Hi everybody, here at DuoParadigms, we love the fall and Thanksgiving season! Not just for the beautiful weather, the delicious food, and football, but for the opportunity to express to everyone our gratitude to God for everything that He has done for us throughout the year.

@ Sandralise |

@ Sandralise |

We each wrote a short list of things we are thankful for and here they are!


I am thankful . . .
1. For my Savior’s faithfulness and love.
2. For family, especially after losing 3 loved ones this year.
3. For God continuing to bless DuoParadigms & adding two new members to our team!
4. For the incredible blessing of being able to wake up every day and play a part in advancing God’s Kingdom!
5. For all of our wonderful clients who provide us with amazing opportunities to serve and minister!


I am thankful . . .
1. For Jesus who saves me, and allows me to have a personal relationship with Him.
2. That God has given me a family to love, and for their love for me.
3. For physical health and protection that I cannot take for granted.
4. For opportunities to grow in skills, serve others & make a difference in our world.
5. For many friends that love Jesus and encourage me to grow and stand strong for the Lord.


I am thankful . . .
1. For God’s Word and that God speaks to me through it so I can be saved and have an abundant life.
2. For the First world country I was born into so that I could bless others.
3. For my children that were given through medical science and chosen through adoption.
4. For my parents and grandparents for their wisdom and Christian legacy.
5. For creativity and art to be able to express my thankfulness.


I am thankful . . .
1. For my family, especially for everyone being able to be together for Thanksgiving!
2. For two awesome jobs that are, for the most part, a lot of fun. 🙂
3. For the health God has given me and my kick-boxing class that keeps me healthy.
4. For the fireplace in our house (I love it)
5. The abilities God has given me to cook, craft and make music.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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