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Your organization will not achieve success online overnight.

Success happens when you consistently take little steps that move the needle forward every day.

You usually can’t launch a new product every day. But you can make your existing product a little better every day.

Without buying ads, you usually can’t get 100 new website visitors every day. But you can create a new website page or blog post for the visitors you already have each day.

These things may seem small. Yet when you are consistent with them, they keep moving your needle forward.

Recently Seth Godin sent a note to his mailing list from the year 2030.

“Twelve years from now, your future self is going to thank you for something you did today, for an asset you began to build, a habit you formed, a seed you planted. Even if you’re not sure of where it will lead, today’s the day to begin.”

Pick one thing that moves your own needle forward toward 2030.

Then do it—-today.

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Aaress Lawless

Aaress enjoys helping small businesses and ministries, having budget travel adventures with friends, and blogging about life lessons on Instagram.

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