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Ever made a snowman before?

One way to build your snowman’s base is to roll the snow into a ball along the ground.

The more you roll, the more snow you pack into your growing ball, as with each turn your ball picks up more and more snow.

When I think of the command in Psalm 37:5 about committing our ways to God, I love that it literally means in Hebrew to “roll” them to the Lord.

In my mind’s eye, I imagine myself rolling my snowball of responsibilities and burdens along the snow.

Overwhelmed by burdens that are too heavy to lift today?

Roll them to the one who can lift them onto His shoulders. He’s strong enough to hold the weight of the world already, so your Tuesday afternoon problems won’t be a problem for Him.

Feeling frazzled by all the endless details and little things that keep popping up along the way?

Roll them, just like a giant rolling snowball that picks up the snow in its path, toward the one who not only knows the count of the stars in the sky but who also knows them all by name.

We would do well to learn from the example of George Müller. If you aren’t familiar with his incredible story, check out the book I referenced below.

Here’s what Müller had to say about burden rolling:

“I have it laid on my heart to throw out some hints with reference to prayer. The first thing that I would observe is this: our heavenly Father knows how we are situated. All the trials, difficulties, perplexing circumstances, and tempta­tions to which we are exposed, He is intimately acquainted with; and for that very reason His word is full of promises, so that we should be encouraged to roll our burdens on Him.

For it is not His will that we should carry them in our own strength; but that we should speak to Him about every­thing, walk with Him continually, and so roll all our burdens on Him that we may find ease and comfort in our trials and difficulties. And it is because we do not make a good use of the help of our God that we find things so trying in this world.

Were we habitually to roll our burdens on the Lord, our position would be a hundred times better than it is.”

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Aaress Lawless

Aaress enjoys helping small businesses and ministries, having budget travel adventures with friends, and blogging about life lessons on Instagram.

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